Discover the unrivaled expertise of The New Jersey Centers of Physical Therapy and why choosing their practice for your child's pediatric needs is a game-changer!


Attention, parents and caregivers: Discover The New Jersey Centers of Physical Therapy:

Every child deserves the absolute best care, and their team of dedicated Doctors of Physical Therapy stands at the forefront of pediatric expertise. When you choose this practice, you can trust that your child is in the hands of true experts. Here’s why their Doctors are second to none!

Advanced Training and Specialization: Each Doctor of Physical Therapy has completed rigorous educational programs, obtaining doctoral degrees in their field. This extensive training equips them with in-depth knowledge of pediatric physical therapy, allowing them to comprehensively assess and treat a wide range of conditions.

Clinical Experience and Continued Learning: They engage in continuous professional development, staying up-to-date in the latest research, techniques, and best practices in pediatric care. By staying on the cutting edge, they ensure your child receives the most effective and evidence-based treatments available.

Subspecialty Expertise: Each practitioner brings their unique subspecialty expertise to the table. From neurological conditions to orthopedic rehabilitation, developmental delays to sports injuries, their practitioners have diverse areas of focus. This breadth of knowledge allows us to provide comprehensive care that caters to the specific needs of your child.

Collaborative Approach: They understand that you, as a parent, play a vital role in your child’s therapy journey. Their Doctors take the time to listen, understand your concerns and aspirations, and work alongside you to develop a customized treatment plan. 

State-of-the-Art Techniques and Technology: This practice remains at the forefront of advancements in pediatric physical therapy. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and leverage state-of-the-art equipment to enhance therapy outcomes. From innovative therapeutic modalities to specialized tools, they employ the latest technology to optimize your child’s progress.

Compassionate and Child-Centered Care: Above all, their Doctors of Physical Therapy are driven by a deep sense of compassion and dedication to your child’s well-being. They understand that each child is an individual with unique strengths and challenges. With their expertise, they deliver child-centered care that nurtures your little one’s physical, emotional, and social growth, creating a positive and supportive therapeutic environment.

Experience the unparalleled expertise of The New Jersey Centers of Physical Therapy to transform your child’s life!

Enjoy two videos of therapy in action:

Paramus Orthopedic Physical Therapy  | Wayne Orthopedic Physical Therapy | Montville Physical Therapy | The New Jersey Center of Physical Therapy, Riverdale