Rob Colardi of Atlas Contracting and his Small Business Journey

Rob Colardi, Owner of Atlas Painting Contractors
Rob Colardi, Owner of Atlas Painting Contractors

When it comes to the art of luxury painting, The Scout Guide Bergen County has a resident expert on staff, Rob Colardi owner of Atlas Painting Contractors. We were lucky enough to sit down with Rob and learn more about his entrepeneaural spirit.

TSGBC: Why did you decide to start your own business?

Rob: I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit. At a young age I loved the satisfaction I got from working. I started a paper route. I used my creative side to paint classmates’ and friends’ denim jackets back in high school with their favorite bands album cover on the back of the jacket for a small fee. I sold comic books and even fireworks on the Fourth of July. I knew I wanted to have the freedom of making my own schedule and providing a service for people that was needed. 

TSGBC: How does Atlas Contractors look different now vs when you started.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Rob: When I first started my business it was just myself and a beat up old Jeep Cherokee literally going door to door dropping off business cards to homes and construction sites. Several years of grinding and learning the trade paid off. My business has grown to a staff of 15 and 4 trucks. Atlas Contracting is celebrating our 20th year in business and I still wake up every single day and pinch myself that I get to do what I love and still have a passion for what I do.

TSGBC: What is your favorite part of your entrepreneurial journey?

Rob: My favorite part of my journey is the relationships I’ve built with my clients and seeing the joy in their faces when they see the process from start to finish. Knowing I have had a small part in allowing them to create long lasting memories in the beautiful spaces we execute fuels my work ethic and makes the long days worthwhile.

TSGBC: What is the biggest lessen learned in your career?

Rob: Just show up, deliver what you promise and go above and beyond for your customers because what you put out in the world you get back tenfold!

TSGBC: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you deal with fear & doubt?

Rob: My biggest challenge is keeping a perfect schedule with projects which is nearly impossible due to so many moving parts. I have become an expert at putting the pieces of the home renovation puzzle together. Our work is always dependent on other trades having to complete their work on time. Often lots of trades are working simultaneously and any issue can put a stop to the project. I keep my clients in the loop at all times so I am fortunate that most if not all of my clients understand these situations. My motto that I share with all my clients is that wrinkles along the way always seems to work themselves out in the end.

TSGBC: What is your elevator pitch?

Rob: I pride myself in a white glove service. I have several clients that want to have their projects done while they go away on vacation and I always tell them when they come back it will be like Christmas morning with a bow on every area. The goal is to alleviate any stress and make the process as smooth as possible. This is what I’ve built my business on and continue to deliver on a daily basis.

TSGBC: Fun Fact- Describe a perfect day.

Rob: Well outside of the business, I love to go down the shore on the jet skis with friends and be one with the water. Pulling up to a dock for lunch at a favorite restaurant and watch the sunset is Heaven to me. Nothing like a relaxing weekend down the shore in the  summer because down at the shore everything is all right…

Rob Colardi / Atlas Painting Contractors / @atlaspaintingcontractorsllc