Trick or Treating do's and don'ts according to your Orthodontist

With Halloween coming, we turned to Dr. Aminyar at B Dental Spa for some helpful hints to our little friends with braces. Dr. Aminyar was a kid once too so he knows how fun it is to trick or treat and sample some of your favorite candies along the way. But as your orthodontist, he wants your braces to stay in place and your teeth to remain healthy. In order to avoid seeing him before your next scheduled appointment, he suggests avoiding anything hard, sticky or chewy.  The best option of course is no candy and the second best option would be a sugar free or soft chocolates in limited consumption.  

Dr. Aminyar explains that sticky candy puts stress on all parts of the braces – brackets, wires, and bands. Anything sugary can also cause cavities and it is difficult to properly remove the risk of cavities with braces.

If you can’t resist just one piece, his requirement is that you floss or Waterpik and brush immediately after consuming those snacks.  It’s better to be disciplined now, so when you take your braces off you can eat whatever you want with your beautiful aligned smile.

Visiting the dentist regularly is a significant part of avoiding cavities, not just after Halloween. Be sure to schedule a cleaning and exam at B Dental Spa to make sure there are no sugar treats lingering in your children’s teeth! 

B Dental Spa | @bdentalspas

455 Livingston Street, Norwood – 201-379-9312 | 360 US Highway 46, Totowa – 973-890-0600 | 85 E Main Street, Bogota – 201-343-6770