TSG TIP: Prepping Your Skin for Summer

As it turns out, summer skincare starts now, far before the onslaught of sunny days spent beachside (near or far) lathering up in sunscreen. Natasha Glasgow (or NVG as we like to call her), certified esthetician and beauty advisor + researcher, explains…

“It’s no secret we should get peels and laser treatments during winter to give our skin time to ‘heal and reveal,’ but what else?” Natasha muses. With skin like hers, we’re listening. And years of research have given Natasha ample experience to share. Primarily, she works with clients to take the guesswork out of skincare and help them navigate the oversaturated – and let’s face it, confusing – landscape of beauty to provide personalized, ongoing beauty advice that goes way beyond skin deep. 

Here, she lends us her beauty concierge services to clear up (literally and figuratively) summer skin, from the products she prefers to the local experts and treatments she trusts. 

Start from the inside out. “If you want real results, start from the inside,” shares NVG. The skin, she explains, is the largest organ and therefore an excellent, if at times inconvenient, barometer of what’s happening in the gut. Therefore, to treat the skin, target the gut. NVG lets us in on what she considers the no-longer-so-secret game-changer for the I’ll-have-what-she’s-having glow: the Mojave Desert’s We Care Spa. Post-visit, NVG recommends integrating the head-to-toe magic of We Care Spa daily with their Detox Drink. For even better results, NVG adds bone broth from Fermentation Farm to her routine to boost collagen naturally and reduce inflammation. 

Hydrate year-round. “I’m all about hydration and Vitamin C and personally use it year-round” NVG shares. To up the ante on your glow, however, NVG recommends IV hydration featuring a high dose of Vitamin C two days before you want fresh, fabulous skin. “Get yourself to BOOST Hydration and see Jen,” NVG advises. “Let her know you want all the skin support vitamins and she will customize your treatment accordingly.” When unable to visit Boost, NVG opts for LivOn Labs Lypo-Shperic Vitamin C. Three a day, she assures, gets you glowing.

Peel good. By starting from the outside in, your skin is primed for treatments. “Gentle peels and facials in early spring are excellent for resurfacing, rejuvenating, and strengthening the skin,” explains NVG. When asked about her local go-to’s, NVG raves about Skin by Shila. In fact, she’s trusted Shila for over twelve years, crediting her for a full skin revival. “She is a true talent who makes healing from peels foolproof through education,” which, NVG assures us, is essential, as the healing of a peel is integral to its efficacy. Each peel is customized with a five-day post-peel kit complete with ample instructions on do’s and don’ts from Shila herself. 

Keep it clean. While we’re no strangers to the importance of healing post-peel, we beg NVG to share her go-to products (beyond what Shila offers, of course). “My must-have is Dr. Rogers Restore Healing Balm, a clean version of Aquaphor that’s great for kiddos, too.” She stocks up at Lido Marina Village’s Cos Bar and makes sure to grab clean-beauty cult-favorite Westman Atelier, while she’s there. 

Facial favorites. As a beauty concierge (and certified aesthetician herself), NVG has tried and tested a litany of local clinics and treatments. Pressed for more local favorites, NVG points to Amy Berisha Aesthetics. “Lately, I’ve been loving the DMK Enzyme Facial.” While the treatment isn’t new, it has been generating a lot of buzz among beauty editors and celebrities for the way it strengthens the skin through transfer-messenger enzymes. And while NVG may have lost us at transfer-messenger, she assures us it works from the inside out to remove dead proteins and toxins, making her skin glow. “I’m going to do a series of these with Amy to continue building skin strength before summer,” she shares. Can’t get in for a facial? NVG recommends Biologique Recherche which, in her words, is a “facial in a bottle.” She recommends P50 PIGM 400

Sunscreen, because duh. These days, it goes without saying: protect all your hard work with a clean, tinted mineral sunscreen. NVG’s go-to? “After dozens of trials (and errors), I’ve discovered Alastin is the best for all skin types. It won’t clog pores and has an ultra-hydrating finish that’s great for winter and summer.” For on-the-go touch-ups and reapplications, NVG recommends Shiseido’s Clear Stick UV Protector, which doubles as a dewy highlighter. 

Bedside manner. “I get all my clients using a bedside humidifier. You simply must,” NVG assures us. “It’s a game-changer for waking up with hydrated skin that feels moisturized and less puffy.” Her current favorite is by Canopy, which she loves because it’s aesthetically darling and doesn’t require daily refills.

Finally, start now. “Prepping the skin for a season change is a slow roll,” NVG explains. “Start now and your skin will be fresh, hydrated, and happy by June. Then, get after that vacation skin. It’s the best.” 

Learn more about NVG and her services at nvgbeauty.com. We also highly recommend following along with her on Instagram for transparent – and entertaining – conversations about beauty brands, treatments, and experiences. Don’t forget to tell her Scout sent you!