On Our Radar: 1.6.24


LOVE: Happy Twelfth Night! It’s the start of Carnival season in New Orleans, and we are starting our morning with King Cake for breakfast. If you or a friend are traveling to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras this year, read this article on How to Enjoy Mardi Gras Like an Insider.

LEARN: Excited to share that I’ve been invited to contribute to New Orleans & Company’s roundup of “24 Dishes To Eat in 2024.” Find out what my go-to meal is in this city, and learn about new places and tastes to try on New Orleans’s official tourism website.

WANT: The start of Carnival season means that you might have to put on a ballgown or two. While this can be daunting task, the ladies at FeBe are the perfect people to turn to if you need some help. FeBe has a lovely selection of ballgowns that are perfect for any Mardi Gras ball that you are heading to this season.

MEET: If your New Year’s resolution involves becoming healthier, we suggest to reaching out to Ford Stevens, owner of Body By Ford. Ford’s indoor/outdoor studio in Mid-City offers private and small group training, nutrition counseling and boxing training. They specialize in weight loss, muscle building, and body transformation. Ford weighed in on this article on How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick, where he explained how to stay on track in the New Year.

VISIT: It’s not a frequent occurrence for us to visit Lakeside Mall, but today is an exception as Mignon Faget is revealing their new gallery design at a Carnival-themed party beginning at 12 pm. The celebration will feature King Cake, bubbly, and a permanent jewelry station. It has been several years since my last visit to this cherished local jewelry store, and the array of vibrant and fun new pieces makes it well worth a trip to explore. We are excited about showcasing their stunning new collection in the upcoming Volume 12 of The Scout Guide New Orleans, set to launch soon!