Triad Events Calendar

Promotional image for a Kentucky Derby social event at the 19 & Timber Bar at Grandover Resort, featuring a dynamic photo of Thoroughbred horses racing, with jockeys in vibrant silks. Event details such as date, time, and specials like drink offers, "Best Hat" competition, entertainment by Evan & Jessica Olson, and menu highlights are overlayed. The Scout Guide.

Kentucky Derby Social

Graphic for Preservation Greensboro's Tour of Historic Homes & Gardens in Sunset Hills, Greensboro, NC, taking place on May 18th and 19th, in the style of The Scout Guide.

Preservation Greensboro's Tour of Historic Homes and Gardens

Preservation Greensboro’s Fourteenth Annual Tour of Historic Homes & Gardens will celebrate Sunset Hills in its centennial year by opening vintage homes throughout the neighborhood during May, National Historic Preservation Month. Our event…