The Importance of a High Quality Vacuum

In a world with rising prices, it’s important to make strong financial decisions when it comes to items you use every day. We turned to the CEO of Clean, Cory Hankins of House of Vacuums, to share the reasons why investing in a high quality vacuum will benefit you in the long run.


The most important factor on this list is of course durability. You want a vacuum that can handle every mess for many years to come. Investing in a quality vacuum will save you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace it.


Think about the dust and dander that you vacuum up on a daily basis. This is why filtration is so important. If your vacuum doesn’t have adequate filtration, it can put the dust and dander right back into the air. True sealed systems for complete filtration is an option to consider if you or your family has allergies or breathing issues. This can ensure that all the particles are picked up.

Ease of Use

We have all used a big clunky vacuum that was heavy and hard to maneuver. Ease of use is something that comes with a higher-end vacuum. You want to be able to get into those nooks and crannies and not hurt your arm in the process.

A True Deep Clean

The satisfying lines that come with vacuuming carpet are all due to the vacuum’s suction power. Cheap vacuums don’t have the power to really get into the fibers of the carpet or rug.

Customized for the Environment Its Being Used In

There are many types of vacuums that are optimal for certain types of homes and flooring. If you have a furry friend who likes to shed, then there’s a vacuum to really get the hair up. If you have lots of stairs in your home, you can have a whole house vacuum system installed for easy cleaning.

The Little Details

You get what you pay for, and with high quality vacuums, the details are thorough. Some have wheels with rubber coating that will protect your nice wood floors and make it easier to push.

A Repairable Product vs. A Disposable Product

When investing in a high quality product, it’s important to note that these products are meant to be repaired and not replaced. If a piece breaks on your high end vacuum, you can easily get it fixed or buy a replacement piece. Unlike cheaper vacuums where if something goes wrong, you have to buy a new one.

We now know that you’ll be eager to replace your cheap vacuum with a high quality one. Visit our friends at House of Vacuums in High Point for any further questions, or if you’d like a recommendation or need a repair.