3 Ways to Refresh Your Space for Spring Organizing/NEAT Method Bozeman

As the fresh scent of spring fills the air, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate your living space for spring organzing. We’ve asked Christina Ryan, local organizing expert, NEAT Method Bozeman, to lend some advice. Whether you’re looking to declutter your closets, streamline your kitchen, or revitalize your laundry room, here are 3 tips we suggest for a successful refresh:


Walk the space and remove anything that is no longer serving you. This is step one for spring organizing !This should include all items that need to be tossed or donated. Focus on anything expired, broken, stained, missing pieces, or that you haven’t used in at least one year. Feeling inspired to edit more? Say goodbye to any duplicate tools that aren’t being used simultaneously, such as a spare pizza cutter or mail opener.


Next, set aside items that you still want to keep but belong somewhere else in your home. Gather them in a pile and put them away in their designated homes before moving on to the next step. If you come across any items that don’t have a place just yet, locate them with the most closely related category and address it during a future project. 


Now that your space includes only those items that belong and are being used, take stock of what categories are running low and add them to a shopping list. This might include groceries in a kitchen, toilet paper in a bathroom, or socks in a closet. Overstocked on anything? Consider creating a backstock zone in a storage closet out of the way. This will clear space in those easy-access areas for items that are being used more frequently. 

Image Credit: NEAT Method

Photographer Credit: Martin Vecchio

Christina Ryan, Owner, NEAT Method Bozeman 406-600-6700 |  Follow her @bozemanneat

NEAT Method Bozeman is a Volume 1 and Volume 2 Member of The Scout Guide Bozeman/Big Sky, a national luxury city guide, and would love to help your new move or refresh on your home in Big Sky or Bozeman.

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