7 Daily Habits For Mental Health Wellness

Photo by Laura Alexander for Bumble BFF via Pinterest

Today, we’re taking a step back from our usual hustle and bustle to observe World Mental Health Day. We caught up with Robin Han – HAPPY MENTAL WELLNESS’ newest provider – to talk about what the day means and what we can do on a daily basis to promote our own mental well-being.

Since 1992, the World Health Organization has promoted awareness for mental health initiatives every October 10. But, as Dr. Han explained, each year is dedicated to a specific issue facing our society. This year, World Mental Health Day is focused on “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World.” To Han and everyone at Happy, the theme is particularly relevant, as our younger generations white-knuckle their way through the trials and anxieties associated with achieving today’s idea of what “successful” young adulthood looks like. This year, explained Dr. Han, the message is clear: young adults in their 20s and 30s often struggle to figure out who they are, what they want, and how they’ll “make it” in today’s increasingly anxiety-ridden world.

Untreated or ignored, these stressors can have significant negative effects on mental health. The team – including Han – at Happy Mental Wellness stressed the importance of overcoming the tendency to stigmatize mental health. “Help is always available,” Han reminded us.

Given Dr. Han’s extensive background, we thought she was the perfect person to educate us on how to care for our mental health on a daily basis. Check out her seven habits for mental wellness… 


HIT SNOOZE! | A regular sleep schedule of 7 to 8 hours per night is essential. If you have chronic insomnia or trouble staying asleep, seek treatment for it – Happy Mental Wellness can help.

SAY NO TO JOE | This is a hard one, especially for coffee lovers like us! But, it’s important to limit caffeine intake to no more than 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. Drinking more than 400 mg daily (about the amount in two cups of strong drip coffee) can cause that anxiety and “jitteriness,” which can worsen toward the late afternoon and into the evening (and keep you awake at night).

GET MOVING | The rumors about exercise-highs are true! Integrating exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week is beneficial for your mental (and physical) health.  Get your heart pumping, preferably to the tune of music that makes you feel good!

MORE VITAMIN D, PLEASE | Spending 20 to 30 minutes outside three times weekly (without sunscreen) can ramp up your body’s production of Vitamin D, which is thought to improve both depression and anxiety. Beyond that amount of exposure, use sunscreen!

GOOD EATS | Avoid the sugar highs (and lows!) by eating high-quality foods at regular intervals throughout the day. Healthy snacking is good snacking!

BYE-BYE BUBBLY | Overconsumption of alcohol has been shown to increase feelings of anxiety and depression over time, creating a vicious cycle of using alcohol to alleviate anxiety while actually making the condition worse. Try to limit alcohol consumption to no more than 1 beverage daily for women, and no more than 2 for men.

KEEP CALM + CARRY ON | Cortisol Calm is an over-the-counter supplement that has been found to help regulate the body’s cortisol levels, which tend to be elevated in times of persistent stress and anxiety. You can order it HERE or find it at health food stores in town.

And, if you or a loved one are struggling with uncontrolled anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue, please reach out to HAPPY MENTAL WELLNESS to let them know how they can help.