The Scout Guide Auburn & Opelika, Alabama Beth Alverson

Meet Beth Alverson

Beth Alverson  is a true Southern girl who was born and raised in Camden, Alabama. She attended Auburn University where she first fell in love with the Auburn-Opelika community. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Interior Environments, Beth worked in Birmingham with a local designer, Cynthia Lowe and, from there, went on to work with Benjamin Moore & Co., as the southern region design consultant.
Beth married her college sweetheart, Wade, and shortly after they married, they moved to Orlando, Florida. Four years later, they were fortunate to return to the community where they first met and together raised their three children. As life got busier, Beth took a step back from the design world and poured her creativity into being a full-time mom.
She is thrilled to bring The Scout Guide to Auburn & Opelika and introduce others to the local businesses she has loved supporting for the last 20+ years. Beth believes that the local businesses are the true heart behind these communities and they should be recognized.
When she isn’t Scouting, Beth loves to spend her free time at Lake Martin, with her family, traveling, or cheering on the Auburn Tigers; War Eagle!

Beth's Favorite Reasons to Visit

Reason 1

The Food. Over the last decade, the dining experience in Auburn & Opelika has exploded. From locally owned barbecue restaurants, multiple intimate dining options, farm-to-table dining, as well as upscale rooftop bars, the culinary experience here will satisfy. There are also a multitude of casual dining options, breweries, and unique coffee shops located throughout both cities. The Auburn & Opelika area has it all tucked within its borders.

Reason 2

Southern Hospitality. Auburn & Opelika are two cities that are both rich in Southern hospitality and tradition, as well as being forward thinking as they grow. You can always expect a friendly face, a wave, or even a “Hey Y’all” when passing someone on the street. While different towns, Auburn and Opelika are also tightly interwoven, making them a unique and special place to work, visit, and call home.

Reason 3

Auburn University. Game Days in Auburn are special. From a lemonade at Toomer’s Drugs, tailgating on the Quad, and rolling Toomer’s Corner after a win, Auburn is rooted in traditions and lives up to the title of “The Loveliest Village on the Plains.”

WORDS TO LIVE BY:  “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain.” –Vivian Greene