On Our Radar: 5.27.23

MEET: This spring, Box of Care launched Sheaux Some Nola, a subscription service that brings New Orleans right to your doorstep. We are loving our subscription and could hardly wait to tell you about it, too. Whether you are a local or someone in need of NOLA from afar, Sheaux Some NOLA is a great way to experience small local businesses alongside classic, well-known New Orleans brands. Subscribe today and read these 5 Things to Know About Box of Care.

VISIT: Next Saturday, June 3rd, kicks off Justine’s first-ever Jazz Brunch Series. During every Saturday and Sunday brunch in June, the April Spain Trio will dazzle the dining room. Book your Jazz Brunch here.

WANT: Loving these colorful bags from Joseph for the summer.

LEARN: Body By Ford has officially launched their full-body small-group training classes with instructor Keith Gross! These classes are 45-minute full-body strength training classes and will be held every Tuesday and Thursday. BXF group training is grounded in three principles: resistance training focus, trainer to trainee ratio, and progress monitoring. Download the new Body By Ford Personal Training app and book your spot in Keith’s classes now!

LOVE: This week, Isabel went to Goodface for a visit, and she was reminded why a Goodface facial is the best: Nothing feels better than clean, exfoliated skin. Our favorite is the HydraFacial Signature with dermaplaning and HYDROJELLY mask, because we love the three levels that include the face and neck.