On My Radar: 9.5.20


LEARN: I am so excited about The Scout Guide New Orleans Live Like a Local contest to support local businesses. Learn more about it here and make sure to nominate a small business for a listing by September 9th. You will then have the opportunity to vote to include a collection in Volume 9. Stay tuned right here for more information.

LOVE: Romney Studios is now offering outdoor classes! If we have learned one thing during this time, our health is top priority so make sure you’re caring for yourself physically while safely protecting yourself too.

WANT: Here’s the best little idea to get a jump start on Christmas shopping. Purchase a mini Becky Vizard Christmas stocking and stick a gift card to your favorite local business. Deliver them to all of your friends and viola you are done four months in advance while making a great impact on your local community. These stockings are collectors items so grab them while they’re available now!

VISIT: Arnaud’s is offering a prelude to reopening. Available for private dining reservations on September 12th (dinner), September 19th (dinner) & September 26th (dinner). Grab your Quarantine Krewe and make reservations here.

MEET: Introducing Stone Insurance scouted for The Scout Guide New Orleans Volume 9. Celebrating over 100 years as a locally owned business in our community, outstanding service has been the hallmark of Stone Insurance, Inc. since it was founded in New Orleans in 1919 by Lawrence A. Stone.  Stone Insurance, Inc. is one of the largest independent insurance agencies in Louisiana, presently providing coverage for client operations around the country and internationally. With lifestyle changes happening daily, its time to revisit your policies to confirm you are properly covered or eligible for any sort of savings, and do it with a locally owned business that is invested in you, and our community.