Cryotherapy Explained: An Interview With Milena Perkins, Owner of NOLA Cryo


Lately I hear more and more about the health benefits of detoxifying and reducing inflammation.  Inflammation is the culprit for a range of health conditions, from chronic pain to arthritis, slow healing, and a long list of serious health conditions. I recently sat down with Milena Perkins, Owner of Nola Cryo in Metairie, to talk about the many inflammation-reducing services they offer using cryotherapy. From beauty treatments to pain relief and injury recovery, read on to see how Nola Cryo offers something for everyone. 

I am new to cryotherapy, but I understand it is simply “cold therapy”—similar to the idea that icing a twisted ankle brings down swelling.  Is that right?

Yes, each service we offer uses very cold temperatures for just a few minutes to stimulate the body’s detoxification process and flush toxins and inflammation from your cells. We offer whole-body sessions or localized therapies which focus on a specific area or injury. We recommend following many of the treatments with a visit to our infrared sauna to maximize your body’s release of toxins from deep in your tissues. 

I have often heard of elite athletes using cryotherapy to accelerate recovery and improve performance.  Are there other ways cryotherapy can be beneficial?

Clients with diabetes will use our therapies to improve leg circulation; doctors prescribe our services to reduce inflammation before surgery to speed healing and recovery; many clients have found relief from tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and other chronic pain and inflammation-related injuries. We also offer facials and body contouring, and all of our therapies are noninvasive and do not damage tissues.

What results could someone expect from a cryotherapy facial?

Our facials help to smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and stimulate collagen production. Many of our clients use it as an alternative to Botox.

Milena Perkins, Owner of NOLA Cryo

How did you first learn about cryotherapy?

I was on vacation in California and had injured my back. I tried cryotherapy and it really helped! From then on, I was on a mission to educate others about this relatively new therapy. It has only been in the United States for about 10 years, though it has been used in other parts of the world since 1978. I have been interested in health and wellness for a long time, and opening a wellness spa allowed me to bring cryotherapy and healing to my hometown of New Orleans.

How do I know what service is right for me?

Our technicians can offer recommendations on the best treatment(s) based on the client’s unique injury or goals. Many clients see the best results in pairing services. For example, rather than having a cortisone shot for knee pain, clients will have a localized cryotherapy treatment followed by a red light treatment. 

I am planning my first session after Mardi Gras when I could certainly use cryotherapy’s detoxifying benefits after the indulgences of Carnival. Milena is offering a special promotion for TSG New Orleans readers: one cryotherapy session for $25 (regular price is $50). Call Nola Cryo at 504.533.9021 to schedule your visit and don’t forget to tell them SCOUT sent you!