Spotlight on Simple Spaces Organizing Co.

For those who need a bit of help keeping their home or business organized and operating at their best, Simple Spaces Organizing Co. in Naples is here. We caught up with owner Kristen Karnes to learn more about what she does, how she started, and some of her favorites around Naples.

How did you get started organizing professionally? When our homes became our sanctuaries in 2020, I made the decision to return to what I love. Life is chaotic, messy, stressful, and busy. That is never going to change, and it’s what makes life so beautiful. But I am a homebody at heart, and I believe that our homes should be the place we feel most relaxed, comfortable and at peace. I want my clients to all feel the same way. My goal with each project is to create a maintainable, functional and beautiful space that only contains what you need and love. A simple space for what matters most.

Who are your organizing services meant for? Someone who thrives in an organized space but simply doesn’t have the time or knowledge on where to start or how to organize. Our goal is to create a functional space that our clients can maintain on their own, and beauty is the perk.

How does the process work? No two spaces are alike, and no two clients are alike. Every family and home has different needs and different schedules. We don’t just organize a space to make it look beautiful; we organize to create function so that our clients’ daily lives are less stressful and more peaceful. Organizing is not just about putting your items into pretty baskets. It’s about doing a full sort so you only have what you use and what you love and then creating systems that work for your space and your life.

What do you love most about Naples? The weather and the outdoor beauty.

Where can we find you on weekends? With my 3 kids (ages eight, five and three), husband and two dogs doing family activities, at the beach or at the soccer field; or volunteering with SNIP Collier [which provides low-cost spay and neuter services to help limit pet overpopulation.]

Simple Spaces Organizing Co. offers home and business organization, relocation services, curated houseware packages, and organization maintenance in Naples, Florida. Learn more at, call 847.508.3152, or get a behind-the-scenes look on Instagram.