55 Questions with The Scout Guide Huntsville | Louisa DiLeone

The Scout Guide Huntsville Contributing Editor and Owner of Prose & Pens, Dwaynia Wilkerson, asks Louisa DiLeone, owner of Bloom Counseling 55 rapid-fire questions! Expect more great interviews as we line up other community members that will resonate with all of Huntsville!

About Dwaynia Wilkerson

In 2016, after spending 11 years teaching English at a local university, Dwaynia Wilkerson traded her grade book and dry-erase markers for laptops and coffee shops. That was the start of Prose & Pens, which provides ghostwriting and brand messaging services to leaders and entrepreneurs who want to build their personal brands. She is also contributing editor for The Scout Guide Huntsville where she helps share the stories of entrepreneurs in the city. Outside of work, her favorite things include books, LMN movies, red wine, gift cards, and laughing loudly at her own jokes. She dreams of running a half marathon someday. There is no existing evidence that this will actually happen.