Meet Kristin From Lovely Arrows Designs

We caught up with Kristin of Lovely Arrows Designs, a Columbus calligrapher specializing in hand-lettering, illustrations, and calligraphy classes. Kristin brings a unique touch to her services with whimsical creativity and originality. Read on to learn more about Kristin, how she got started, and her plans for the future of Lovely Arrows Designs!

Thanks so much for chatting with us Kristin! Can you tell us more about you and your business?

Kristin: Lovely Arrows Designs is whimsical calligraphy, illustration and design for special events and spaces.

I love that word; whimsical. How did the idea of this business come about? How did you get started?

K: I’ve always loved handwriting and word art, so I started experimenting with modern calligraphy and typography. I practiced from blogs on Pinterest and used my position as a wedding coordinator to offer my brides custom signage.

What is your favorite part of your business?

K: I love to create something pretty for people – to see their ideas and my ideas come together into a design.


How long have you been in business?

K: Almost 7 years!

That’s amazing! I see on your website that you do calligraphy for all sorts of things from logo design to wedding signage. Is there anything you’d like to focus on growing in the future?

K: I’d love to be doing indoor and outdoor murals that feature word art.

I can’t wait to see your murals around Columbus! How can people find you if they want to book you for an event or service?

K: I’m on Instagram and my website is

Last question we love to ask people is, what are some of your favorite places to visit around Columbus?

K: I love to work or meet friends at Fox in the Snow (German Village location is my favorite!), and walking around Schiller park.  I hang out at Grandview Cafe a lot after I shop with my friends at Thread!

Thanks so much for chatting with us! Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about you?

K: I love making new friends, so if you work with me – we’ll be friends!

To learn more about Kristin and Lovely Arrows Designs, visit Lovely Arrows Designs website.
And look for them in Volume 7 of The Scout Guide Columbus.