
We caught up with our favorite plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert Heck, and had him answer a few fun facts about himself, and well as offer some great advice on misconceptions about plastic surgery, + more. Summer (and post-quarantine) is the perfect time to seek out some of the treatments he offers like botox, liposuction, cool-sculpting, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and more. 

1. If I weren’t in my current field of work I’d be:

“Most likely if I wasn’t a plastic surgeon I would be an attorney and work in the field of politics. I actually really enjoy all things related to government and politics.”

2. What is a piece of advice you have for men and women who are hesitant or intimidated by Plastic Surgery?

“Honestly when you’re in a safe, professional practice with a board certified plastic surgeon you should comfortable and secure with the assessment and treatment you will receive. That is our job and my goal to give a thorough assessment and perform treatments that are clinically indicated and safe to do for your aesthetic improvement.”

3. Favorite place to eat out in Columbus:

“We pretty much love anything Cameron Mitchell does because it’s always delicious and we share the same views on customer service! I could pretty much eat or do take out from a different restaurant of his any day of the week.”

4. A common misconception about plastic surgery is:

“A common misconception is that plastic surgery is only for older or wealthy clients. We see clients of all age, demographics and economic situations. We give realistic and honest opinions on what would be the best options for your individual goals.”

5. If I didn’t live in Columbus I would live in:

“I actually can’t imagine living anywhere else yet. I love Columbus and everything about it except the gray skies of course. I’m a big fan of all things Ohio. But if I really did move I could do Charleston South Carolina for sure!”

6. The biggest lesson I have learned in my career:

“I think since starting my practice 18 years ago I have learned about what  surgery plan is going to make clients happy and satisfied with their results. I have learned to guide clients on the right expectations and am honest about i feel i can do for each individual.”