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Boise Farmer’s Market (Opening Weekend)

April 6 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

At the Boise Farmers Market you will find fresh local seasonal vegetables and fruit, many types of locally raised protein, breads and pastries, honey, jams and sauces, fresh-roasted coffee, and a delicious selection of ready-to-eat foods. We always have the best of what is local and in season! Boise Farmers Market is a food-centric and agriculturally based market. Within our guidelines, the majority of the members must be agricultural. 95% of the vendors are food and agricultural products with 5% dedicated to non-food items.

Farmers markets have a long history of being more than merely a place to exchange goods. The Boise Farmers Market is committed to playing an important role in fostering new ideas in the regional food system. The Farmers Market is a place where the public can learn about the relationship of local food and farms to our health, our economy, and our culture.

Please join us at the Boise Farmers Market, where you’ll find farmers you can trust and food you can trace.