Success Stories: Balancing Business Ownership and Family

Photography by Zoë Grant.

In honor of Mother’s Day, we’re digging deeper into the age old question—can working moms really do it all? The answer from a few of The Scout Guide’s mom editors/owners is a resounding “Yes!” From the new motherhood grind to the triumphs of raising teens, these dynamic mom entrepreneurs successfully balance business ownership and family life. Get inspired by their unique journeys.


editor/owner of The Scout Guide Chattanooga

The Scout Guide Chattanooga editor Amy Walters in a portrait with her infant son
Photography by Casey Yoshida. Amy Walters with her son, Wrigley.

TSG: What fuels your day?

Amy Walters: My go-to coffee order is a Golden Latte (turmeric, coconut milk, light honey, and espresso).

TSG: What’s your go-to weeknight dinner?

AW: My husband has been a gem since we had our son Wrigley. He’s been prepping chicken or beef and rice every week, which we add to the fresh ingredients we have on hand like veggies, cottage cheese, salsa, and seasonings to make different versions of protein bowls.

TSG: As a mom, what are some of the perks of owning your TSG franchise?

AW: Wrigley is my first baby, so it’s so awesome that I have enough flexibility to enjoy the new parenting experience, but also get time throughout the week to focus on work, my members, and staying plugged into the community.

TSG: Do you incorporate Wrigley into any of your work tasks?

AW: Oh yes, Wrigley has already attended many internal meetings, content days, and client business drop-ins.

TSG: What’s your hack for making working-mom life easier?

AW: Meal prep is so helpful. Just tending to my baby’s feeding schedule feels like a full-time job, so meal prepping ensures I get to eat well during the day. Time blocking has also been imperative to my success as a working mom, especially when paying for childcare. I try to knock out as much as I can when I have the designated hours away from Wrigley, so I’m as efficient as possible, and then I try to be really present with him when we’re together.


editor/owner of The Scout Guide Tidewater

Mary Kaufman, owner of The Scout Guide Tidewater,  with her husband and three children, Rhett, Louie, and Birdie on a boardwalk.
Photography by Zoë Grant. Mary Kaufman with her husband and three children, Rhett, Louie, and Birdie.

TSG: What fuels your day?

Mary Kaufman: I start my day with Athletic Greens and an espresso with steamed milk and cinnamon. I am lucky enough to have my husband make me this each morning.

TSG: As a mom, what are some of the perks of owning your TSG franchise?

MK: I love what I do and getting to share that passion for my work with my kids is incredibly important to me. It took me several years after college to find my niche, but it has been totally worth the wait. It’s important that my kids see me work hard and have a passion that I turned into a career. I also love that I am able to set my own schedule to accommodate my family’s needs as they are growing and learning and trying new things. I wouldn’t want to miss a thing.

TSG: Do you incorporate your kids into any of your work tasks?

MK: My favorite part of the year is printing out each finished ad and then laying them out for pagination. I love placing the right businesses in the right spots to balance type of business, colors, photo shoot concept, etc. This time each year, my kids will see me laying out the next guide and I love watching them look at each of the pictures like “oh so this is where you’ve been!” 

TSG: What have your kids learned from observing you own your own business?

MK: I hope that my kids have learned that you can raise a family, enjoy your job, and be successful at it, if you are willing to put in the work.

TSG: What’s your hack for making working-mom life easier?

MK: I never let emails pile up! I will work from my car, a sports field, or standing in the kitchen cooking dinner. I think this trait is an inherent one in all women. We are the ultimate multitaskers.


editor/owner of The Scout Guide Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill

The Scout Guide Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill editor Hopie Avery poses in front of a tree with her husband and two children
Photography by Sea Island Photography. Hopie Avery with her husband and two children, Porter and Liza.

TSG: What’s your go-to weeknight dinner that you make at home?

Hopie Avery: Spaghetti Bolognese, from a Cooks Illustrated recipe from 20+ years ago. I have it memorized and intuit the ingredients. Lots of freshly ground nutmeg!

TSG: What’s your favorite family activity/ritual that’s a regular occurrence?

HA: Walking the dog after supper each night with the whole family. It’s a great way to catch up on the day and unwind.

TSG: As a mom, what are some of the perks of owning your TSG franchise? 

HA: The flexibility and seasonality of TSG is a real perk. When it’s on it’s on, but there are times when you can “set it and forget it.” The beauty of TSG is that it is an annual publication, so it really doesn’t matter when the book comes out, you can suit it to your schedule.

TSG: What have your kids learned from observing you own your own business?

HA: The importance of supporting local businesses so we have an interesting place to live. They have seen the relationships I have built with these great small businesses over the years.

TSG: What’s your hack for making working-mom life easier?

HA: Not being afraid to outsource, order out food, and summon the experts! We have a slew of talented chefs with pre-made meal options. I use Snack Service, Sage & Swift Catering, Ladyfingers, Big Delicious, Viv’s Fridge, (frozen) pizzas from Cugino Forno, and so much more.

Does being your own boss and the lifestyle of an owner/editor of The Scout Guide appeal to you? Let’s talk about bringing The Scout Guide to your town. Start the journey here.