In today’s digital landscape, harnessing the power of social media is indispensable for both individuals and businesses alike, offering a gateway to amplify messages and connect with audiences on a bigger scale. Navigating the complexities of online engagement, from optimizing posting schedules to capitalizing on viral trends, social can be a lot to keep up with and our Scouted Member + TSG Tucson’s Digital Manager Avery of Wagner Perspective understands. Whether building a brand or upping your personal presence online, social media is the means to share your messaging widely. So let’s dive right into How to have a strong social media game in 2024!

A sleek laptop with a smartphone and a mouse on a reflective table next to a sparkling disco ball, embodying a modern work setup with a twist of fun, reminiscent of The Scout Guide's style.

 Photo by Audria Abney 

“Identify your niche!” – Avery

The importance of determining your niche early on is what Avery claims should be your top priority. “Are you a restaurant owner, a real estate agent, an interior designer? By identifying the type of content you want to share, you can better discern who will make up your target audience.

Why is this so important? By understanding exactly who comprises your target following, you will feel more confident creating content knowing that it appeals to them – this will significantly help to strengthen your social media game!

“Create a community.” – Avery

Once you’ve identified your audience, it’s essential to remember that you’re not just building a following, but a community of individuals who are interested in what you have to say or share.

“These individuals are your fans, and the backbone of your Instagram presence,” she says. “They’re the ones who will help you grow your audience even further by liking, commenting, sharing, and tagging your content.” Actively fostering relationships with your followers will increase your reach, so she advises taking the time to respond to their comments, answering their questions, and acknowledging their support. Giving them a follow and commenting on their posts will further your engagement. 

All the social platforms are no longer about “posting, posting, posting”, Avery says. They are about creating really quality content that will resonate with your target audience. So take your “Happy Flag Day” posts out of the round up, and think about what will really resonate with your target audience.

A woman in a black pinstripe suit squats against a white wall, holding a phone to her ear with one hand and a laptop in the other, with another laptop and a camera on the floor next to a disco ball, embodying the multitasking ethos of The Scout Guide.

 Photo by Audria Abney 

Find more from Wagner Perspective here and here and if you reach out for social services, don’t forget to tell them The Scout Guide sent you!