A nonprofit organization located inThornton Park that empowers survivors of sex trafficking to build healthy and sustainable lives.

Why a purse?
Each purse has a unique story of the places it has traveled, the articles it has carried, the snapshots of life it has seen – sometimes permanently marked by things that have been thoughtlessly thrust upon it. We see value! We invest time, energy and resources to restore it to its rightful place of value and worth. It may have marks and scars that tell a story of where it has journeyed, but the journey is not over. One Purse is repurposing it to bring joy and value once again.

One Purse employs survivors to run an e-commerce purse shop – it’s a social enterprise called The rePURPOSE Project. Pre-loved designer purses are donated to One Purse and from intake to shipping repurposed bags to customers, survivors are learning in-demand job skills and professional norms all within a trauma-informed workplace.

In addition to Employment, One Purse is providing scholarships for Education. This year over 100 scholarships will be given for vocational training, tuition and education resources.

Through Employment and Education, women who are journeying to freedom are acquiring economic stability and confidence to pursue their dreams for themselves and their children.

How can you participate in empowering women? Donate your pre-loved designer purse or collect from others! Visit the One Purse Dream Studio on the first Friday of each month to tour and learn the reality of modern day slavery – human trafficking.

Shop the purse collection at a 20% discount during your visit.