
MAVERICK MALE MEDICAL in Fayetteville is a destination for men from across the region who are looking for optimal wellness or the latest sexual health treatments. Think “man cave” with a knowledgeable doctor and totally personalized wellness plans that treat not only testosterone levels and ED, but also find optimal health levels for the entire body through a personalized treatment plan. We recently had the chance to speak with DR. NICOLAS (NICK) GENTRY, who runs Maverick Male Medical and who is an experienced Northwest Arkansas physician, board-certified E.R. doctor and regenerative medicine specialist, to learn more about what’s so special about this destination men’s wellness center.

The Scout Guide Northwest Arkansas: Can you tell us about your journey from emergency physician to Maverick Male Medical?

Dr. Gentry: When I began my career as an emergency physician, I would often think about all we were able to do was to temporarily treat people and solve a problem after it already was there. We weren’t able to prevent health issues before they harmed our patients. I have this analogy I often use to describe the way it seemed to me, which is the image of a whole bunch of doctors standing around, slapping band-aids on people until they get to the next doctor. I knew there had to be a better way to treat patients. So I began researching regenerative medicine. As I learned more and more I opened my own clinic to focus on regenerative medicine, preventing problems and looking at the whole patient. 

TSGAnd at Maverick Male Medical, as the name suggests, you focus on men’s health. Why did you see a need to open a clinic focused on men’s health and wellness?

Dr. Gentry: Well, first, being a man, men’s health was something I identified with and I saw firsthand the need for this kind of clinic to cater to the specific health needs for men. In my 30s, I had low testosterone myself. I didn’t have a lot of energy and I thought maybe I was depressed. My doctor told me I was too young to have low testosterone. I began looking into it, and I learned how testosterone improvement at any age could improve quality of life, even preventing diabetes. I learned that the average testosterone level in men has dropped by about a third over the past 30 years. I saw a connection between testosterone levels in men, quality of life and health and I saw a real need for that in the community.

TSG: What are some of the therapies you offer for men’s health at Maverick Male?

Dr. Gentry: We focus on men’s sexual health with a holistic approach. This isn’t just a clinic that treats low testosterone or fits every patient into the same plan. We look at each person, how to get levels high enough to resolve symptoms but low enough to prevent side effects, and we get to an optimal health for each patient individually. We treat low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, perform male aesthetic procedures, and help our patients find optimal health with nutrition, supplements and prescriptions. We perform regenerative treatments, like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), sound wave therapy and stem cells treatments for erectile dysfunction. That brings a lot of patients to my office from as far away as Texas and Missouri, because I am the only doctor in 500 miles who does stem cell for erectile dysfunction.

TSG: How are you able to personalize your treatment plans so precisely?

Dr. Gentry: Your genetic code is your map. It tells your body what genes to express, and some can be turned on and off. As you look at a lifestyle, nutrition and genetics you begin to get a clearer picture of an individual’s health profile. We can look at blood and urine tests and see exactly what a patient needs more of, and prescribe specific vitamins to help with what their genetic needs are. It’s about improving sexual health and solving short-term issues but it becomes about so much more than that for our patients. We will have patients come in for low testosterone, but it turns out they haven’t seen a doctor in five, sometimes ten years! And we will take a look at the whole patient, and our diagnoses may go beyond sexual health and look at heart or brain health, and we’ve been able to prevent other health issues like diabetes and cancer with our treatments and plans, especially when it comes to the endocrine system.

TSG: What can you share about you so that our readers can get to know you better?

Dr. Gentry: My wife, Jill, and I have two young children—Jackson is four and Sophia is eight—and they eat up most of our free time. I try to practice what I preach to my patients, which means eating well, exercising and taking care of myself. I like to cook but I’m no chef! We have been homebodies lately, like most people. We love to get outside, and take the kids to Beaver Lake on the weekends. My daughter loves to catch lizards and make pets out of them. That’s what we are into these days!

CONTACT DR. GENTRY AND THE MAVERICK MALE MEDICAL TEAM to schedule your appointment and get started on a personalized wellness plan. Call 479.305.8206 or fill out the ONLINE FORM to make your appointment or to set up a consultation.

