Uniting for JDRF: Fighting Type 1 Diabetes Together

This week at The Scout Guide of Northwest Arkansas, we’re shining a spotlight on the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and their relentless efforts in the fight against type 1 diabetes (T1D). From groundbreaking research to community advocacy, JDRF is leading the charge for life-changing breakthroughs.

Young girl outdoors, possibly engaged in The Scout Guide activities, intently inspecting or assembling a green and white pole, against a blue sky with clouds.

Spotlight on JDRF: Driving Change

JDRF stands as a beacon of hope for those affected by T1D. Through research, advocacy, and community engagement, they’re making tangible strides in combating the disease and supporting individuals and families impacted by it.

A group of young children practicing their putting skills on a sunny golf course, capturing the essence of The Scout Guide's focus on outdoor activities and skill development.

Scoutcast Special: Megan Delco & Allison Hobbs

Tune in to our latest Scoutcast episode featuring Megan Delco, President of the Arkansas JDRF Board, and Allison Hobbs, a dedicated JDRF board member. They discuss JDRF’s vital support for T1D families and the importance of ongoing research in the fight against the disease.

Elegantly decorated event venue with white chairs and tables adorned with green and gold accents for The Scout Guide, and a group of three women smiling and posing together, dressed in vibrant, formal attire in front of a backdrop of balloons in shades of green, white, and gold.

One Party: Making an Impact

Join JDRF NWA for their annual Golf Tournament on May 31st and the One Party Gala on June 1st, 2024. These events aren’t just about fun and glamour—they’re opportunities to contribute directly to T1D research and support JDRF’s mission.

A split image featuring two scenes. On the left, a close-up view of a neatly trimmed golf course green where a blue sponsor mat with the text "JDRF" lies near the hole with the flagstick bearing a green and white checkered flag. On the right, a black golf cart lavishly adorned with an array of colorful balloons, both transparent and solid-colored in blue, green, yellow, and white, is parked on the course. A sign with the "ONEflight" logo and text about a local event hangs on the cart, promoting The Scout Guide Greenville City Guide amidst the festive decoration.

Join the Cause: Together, We Can Make a Difference

Let’s rally together as a community to support JDRF and the fight against T1D. Every contribution, whether attending events or spreading awareness, brings us closer to a world without T1D. Together, let’s turn hope into action and make a lasting impact on our community.

In the spirit of The Scout Guide’s mission, let’s stand united with JDRF and show that Northwest Arkansas is committed to supporting those in need and driving positive change.

A green background adorned with a floral garland border made up of white and yellow flowers creates a vibrant setting. In the center, bold, white typography announces "Save The Date" at the top, followed by "THE ONE Party" and "BENEFITING JDRF 2024" in elegant script. Below, "May 31 - June 1, 2024 | Arkansas" indicates the event details, all inspired by The Scout Guide's attention to detail and style.

To find out more about JDRF Northwest Arkansas, follow them on social media and visit their website and be sure to save the date for The One Party.

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