6 Health Benefits of NAD Therapy IV Treatment for a New You in 2021

We visited with The Recovery Room’s Chief Nurse Practitioner and COO, Christopher Garner, to talk about ways to improve ourselves in the start of the new year. We learned so much about their incredible IV Treatments which includes a vast selection of added vitamins and minerals as well as the injections with immune and metabolism boosters they provide. What really caught our attention was the IV NAD Therapy Treatment. Recovery Room is the only provider of this miraculous treatment in Mobile, Alabama (and they are running an amazing special for it in January). What we learned about NAD was that up until recent years it was mainly used in drug and rehab facilitates to help detox and repair brain cells for those patients suffering from addiction. Since then, researchers have found the health benefits from this treatment can do so much more to help so many others in regards to our bodies, brains, metabolism, energy and even anti-aging and beauty. This IV treatment has helped Recovery Room patients with everything from chronic fatigue, detoxing from medications, rejuvenating after Chemo or other health issues, anti-aging and beauty, weight loss and more. They have even recently started providing an NAD skincare line we can’t wait to try!



Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD for short, has been known as an anti-aging, drug & alcohol detox. It has proven to repair DNA, protect brain cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and turn on enzymes that help prevent aging. NAD is a co-enzyme found in all living cells and is crucial to the basic cell reactions that keep you alive. It promotes cellular regeneration and plays a crucial role in the conversion of cellular energy.

As with most things, NAD diminishes with age. IV NAD therapy has been proven to repair DNA, protect brain cells, serve as an internal anti-inflammatory, and help fend off neurodegenerative disorders.

6 Health Benefits to NAD Therapy

Increases Brain Power and Anti-Aging Benefits

NAD+ is arguably the best brain restoration therapy on the market. It can increase the function of neurons, protect against cellular damage, toxicity and even death, and promote mitochondrial biogenesis.

As we age, we all experience the “brain fog.” As more studies come out related to neurodegeneration, it is becoming more and more apparent that Sirtuins play an important role in brain function. In particular, Sirtuin 1 has been linked to an increase in not only memory but also learning in mice. Sirtuin 1 can also protect against amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

By continuing with supplementing with IV NAD+ you can increase concentration, improve memory, increase mental clarity, and improve mood.

2. Protects and Repairs DNA

Your cells use NAD+ to make Sirtuins work properly. Sirtuins protect your cells from age-related decline. They also play a vital role in maintaining the length of telomeres (the end cap of chromosomes).

Telomeres keep chromosomes from unravelling. There have been many studies that link long telomeres to longevity. We all want long telomeres and the vitality and longevity that comes with them, so we need plenty of NAD+ to keep them working efficiently.

The problem is as we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline leaving us more susceptible to disease. Supplementing with our IV treatment replenishes NAD+ levels and reverses aging from the inside.

3. Combats Chronic Fatigue

It is still unclear exactly what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. Currently, the main treatment involves the use of sleep medications and anti-depressants.

While these options may alleviate the symptoms to some degree, they only put a band-aid on a much deeper problem.

IV NAD+ will provide your body with the energy it needs to heal on a much deeper cellular level. It increases ATP which in turn cranks up your energy level.

4. Alleviates Opiate or Substance Abuse Symptoms

NAD+ is a natural therapy option that has the capability to heal the brain on a cellular level, thereby kickstarting recovery.

This is crucial, because it allows the person battling addiction to have a higher chance of success with long-term recovery.

NAD+ has the capability to reduce cravings associated with the withdrawal of alcohol or opiates.

5. Increases Metabolism

NAD+ is used to generate energy within your cells.

It also activates sirtuins, which are silent information regulators. Sirtuins’ main function is to turn gene expression on or off.

Many of these genes are linked to regulating inflammation, enhancing energy, increasing metabolism, as well as increasing cell vitality. In other words NAD+ can help you shrink your waistline.

6. Pain Alleviation

Boosting NAD+ levels allows your body to heal itself better from injury.

This is especially true when it comes to regeneration of blood vessels. So not only will NAD+ promote healing from the inside out, it can also reduce your risk of heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States.





Although we naturally produce NAD, it diminishes as we age. This therapy course is for those who are looking to reverse signs of aging on the cellular level. NAD’s effect on aging and its regenerative properties  is considered the closest we’ve gotten to the fountain of youth.

2-hour infusion of 250mg or 500mL

Total of 4 infusions over 4 consecutive days



NAD+ drastically reduces drug dependence by rejuvenating the opiate receptors. This therapy is for those looking to reduce drug or alcohol dependence. Proper brain biochemistry is restored by replenishing brain nutrients that have been depleted by substance abuse.

4-hour infusion of 500mg or 500mL

Total of 4 infusions over 4 consecutive days



NADIA means “hope.” NADIA Skincare’s mission is to provide hope for healthy aging. What does this mean? It means that beauty is not reserved for the very young, that all damage is not irreversible, and that taking care of yourself can be effortless. Because we believe that your time to be beautiful is not fleeting, and that simply living should not leave lines.


- Katherine Smith, Recovery Room Patient

– Katherine Smith, Recovery Room Patient

Great experience at Recovery Room! Just finished chemo a few months prior and had not gotten much energy back. I was desperate for anything to work. After talking to Dr. Meshad and Chris at Recovery Room, I decided to try the NAD treatment. I immediately felt better and continued to get more energy several days after! This was the only thing that brought my energy back and lasted for several months. I would definitely recommend this treatment. It was well worth the cost!

January Special

10% off of both NAD treatment protocols for the month. Treatment must be completed in January. This offer excludes NAD supplements and boosters.

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