How to Live. LOVE. Local. in Your Community

live love local the scout guide mood board
Photography by Emily Jean Rosser Photography.

Since The Scout Guide’s inception, “Live. Love. Local,”  has been at the core of who we are. It’s emblazoned on the side of every box of guides shipped to our cities across the country, stamped on cocktail napkins at our city guide launch parties, and you’ll find it in our newsletters and on our website. But these three simple words are so much more than a tagline; they are our guiding principle as we introduce you to the local businesses in your town and encourage you to support them. As we approach Valentine’s Day, a symbolic day reserved for those we love, why not turn your attention to the local businesses in your community and give them the affection they so richly deserve?

LIVE. Be a proud ambassador for your town by fully immersing yourself in the place you call home. 

LOVE. Connect with the people in your community—from your neighbor to your local shopkeepers—with a smile and a kind word. 

LOCAL. Make a conscious decision to invest in your town by spending your money at independently owned businesses. 

Tell us your favorite local business on Instagram for a chance to win $250 to shop in your own community! Closes on February 16, 2024.