Halloween Tips for Parents

Hey parents! We know that Halloween is such a fun time, and all the kiddos love it! However, the effects of all that candy can be pretty scary. Dr. Angela of Little Dental Studio shares some ways you can prevent cavities this spooky season: 

1. The less amount of candy that crawls back into your house, the better. You can do this by reducing the size of your kiddos’ Trick or Treat bags, or even trade some of their candy for a non-candy prize! 

2. Avoid sticky and hard candy! No candy is necessarily healthy… but some are far worse than others. Sticky candies will stick to your child’s teeth, even after brushing and flossing – causing tooth decay. Hard candy stays in the mouth for a long time, giving sugars more time to spread and dissolve into the teeth, causing cavities. 

3. Visiting the dentist regularly is a significant part of avoiding cavities, not just after Halloween. Stop by and schedule a cleaning and exam at Little Dental Studio to make sure there are no sugar bugs lingering in your kiddos’ teeth! 

4. Stopping by our Little Dental Studio office for our Annual Candy Buy Back program from November 1st-November 15th is a wonderful way to get that candy out of your house! We buy candy back from your kids, and give them $3 per pound!

Give us a call at 703-495-3565 to schedule your cleaning and exam!


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