Gift Guide for The Little Ones

It’s easy to overload your kids on brand name toys over the holidays, this year we encourage you to think about spoiling the little ones in your life with unique gifts from our favorite local spots instead! Check out our final gift guide of the year on Gifts for The Little Ones…

Stephanie Parkes chose the Need a Little Christmas Suttons PJ set from Mondays Child. One of their favorite Christmas PJs – so cute and cozy for awaiting Santa’s arrival!

Stephanie also suggests a Heirloom portrait by Renee Gage photography. This is a timeless gift that will last for years to come for family and friends.

Natalie Strahorn’s 6 year old daughter is very into imaginative play, so she adores this sweet Violet Tea Set and Basket from Monday’s Child as a gift for her. This porcelain tea set in picnic basket is perfect for a fancy tea party for your little one!

Natalie’s daughter loves playing with babies and this Unicorn Calin Babydoll is also sure to be a winner! Mondays Child does it again with the perfect size doll for little mommies and daddies to rock and cradle in their arms. It’s soft body is posable like a real baby, and its sleepy eyes close when it’s put down for a nap or at bedtime, also like a real baby. The doll’s head, arms and legs are made of soft-to-the-touch vinyl that is delicately scented with vanilla, a Corolle signature. Bébé Calin Unicorn is dressed in a purple onesie featuring unicorn embroidery and a hood with a gold horn and two little ears. Bébé Calin Unicorn is part of the mon premier poupon Corolle Collection of dolls, clothing and accessories for beginning doll play.

Our assistant editor, Claire, couldn’t help but add a pick of her own as it’s just too good! Christmas Eve traditions are some of the best childhood memories created, including leaving a letter to Santa and having him write back. Use this Santa Letters Journal from Boxwood to keep these special letters together in one place. To cherish and read over again in all the years to come.